Pharagraph essay Bahasa Inggris Teknik :D
Don’t lazy to drink water, because if you often drink water, it can give you a variety of health benefits. Drink at least 8 glasses a day. Water will not only cleanse your body from the inside but also has other benefits like avoid obesity, make our muscles stronger, launch the process of metabolism, avoid headaches and infections .
            Drink water can prevent you from Over Weight. Drinking much water will not make the body fat. Instead, you will eat in smaller amounts because the water has met your stomach. Water can change the way we eat, so it can reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.
            Consuming water be able Cleaning the Body. Drinking water after waking up in the morning will help cleanse your intestines. In that way, your intestines more readily take all the nutrients that you consume throughout the day .
            Water be allowed to Making New Cells. Your body makes new cells every day and the water that you drink can help the production of new cells. It also allows your muscles to grow faster after exercise .
            Water be likely increase metabolism. So, lets drink two glasses of water in the morning before you start your activities, so your metabolism runs better .
            Water can Healing Headaches and Infection. When sick, you need much water. Because water is not only use for against infections but also will make you . Headaches sometimes caused of the body is dehydrated. Well, drink enough water will help you recover. Therefore, whenever you feel unwell, drink one or two glasses of water before taking the medicine .
            Benefits of water is very necessary to understand. White water provides many advantages for our health. this is because our bodies are composed mostly of water. the body will not function normally in the absence of adequate water supply.


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